Sifli Power management API.
- Author
Sifli software development team
SECTION_SET_DEF(_name, _type, _count)
Create a set of sections.
A set of sections, is an ordered collections of sections.
This macro reserves memory for the given set of sections.
- 参数:
_name – [in] Name of the set.
_type – [in] Type of the elements stored in the sections.
_count – [in] Number of the sections in the set. This parameter is ignored in case of GCC.
SECTION_DEF_(_priority, _name, _type)
SECTION_SET_DEF_(_priority, _name)
SECTION_SET_ITEM_REGISTER(_name, _priority, _var)
Macro to declare a variable and register it in the section set.
The order of the section in the set is based on the priority. The order with which variables are placed in a section is dependant on the order with which the linker encouters the variables during linking.
- 参数:
_name – [in] Name of the section set.
_priority – [in] Priority of the desired section.
_var – [in] The variable to register in the given section.
void section_iter_init(section_iter_t *p_iter, section_set_t const *p_set)
Function for initializing the section set iterator.
- 参数:
p_iter – [in] Pointer to the iterator.
p_set – [in] Pointer to the sections set.
void section_iter_next(section_iter_t *p_iter)
Function for incrementing iterator.
- 参数:
p_iter – [in] Pointer to the iterator.
static inline void *section_iter_get(section_iter_t const *p_iter)
Function for getting the element pointed to by the iterator.
- 参数:
p_iter – [in] Pointer to the iterator.
- 返回值:
Pointer – to the element or NULL if iterator points end of the set.
struct section_t
- #include <section_iter.h>
Single section description structure.
struct section_set_t
- #include <section_iter.h>
Set of the sections description structure.
struct section_iter_t
- #include <section_iter.h>
Section iterator structure.
Public Members
const section_set_t *p_set
Pointer to the appropriate section set.
const section_t *p_section
Pointer to the selected section.
In case of GCC all sections in the set are sorted and placed in contiguous area, because they are treated as one section.
void *p_item
Pointer to the selected item in the section.
const section_set_t *p_set