Header file of I2S HAL module.
- Author
Sifli software development team
- Attention
No error
Timeout error
OVR error
UDR error
DMA transfer error
Unknow Error error
Tx empty interrupt
Rx not empty interrupt
I2S STATUS Tx full
I2S STATUS Tx empty
I2S STATUS Tx almost full
I2S STATUS Tx almost empty
I2S STATUS Rx full
I2S STATUS Rx empty
I2S STATUS Rx almost full
I2S STATUS Rx almost empty
sample rate 8K bps
sample rate 16K bps
sample rate 24K bps
sample rate 32K bps
sample rate 48K bps
Isample rate 44.1K bps
sample rate 22.05K bps
sample rate 11.025K bps
CHECK if valid sampel rate number.
- 参数:
SR – Sample rate.
- 返回值:
true – if success
Reset I2S handle state.
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – I2S handle.
- 返回值:
None –
Enable the specified I2S TX peripheral .
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
- 返回值:
None –
Disable the specified I2S TX peripheral .
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
- 返回值:
None –
Enable the specified I2S RX peripheral .
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
- 返回值:
None –
Disable the specified I2S RX peripheral .
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
- 返回值:
None –
Use the external I2S TX interface.
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
- 返回值:
None –
Use internal APB TX interface.
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
- 返回值:
None –
Use the external I2S RX interface .
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
- 返回值:
None –
Use internal APB RX interface.
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
- 返回值:
None –
Enable the specified I2S interrupts.
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
__INTERRUPT__ – specifies the interrupt source to enable or disable. This parameter can be one of the following values:
I2S_IT_TXE: Tx buffer empty interrupt enable
I2S_IT_RXNE: RX buffer not empty interrupt enable
- 返回值:
None –
Disable the specified I2S interrupts.
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
__INTERRUPT__ – specifies the interrupt source to enable or disable. This parameter can be one of the following values:
I2S_IT_TXE: Tx buffer empty interrupt enable
I2S_IT_RXNE: RX buffer not empty interrupt enable
- 返回值:
None –
Checks if the specified I2S interrupt source is enabled or disabled.
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle. This parameter can be I2S where x: 1, 2, or 3 to select the I2S peripheral.
__INTERRUPT__ – specifies the I2S interrupt source to check. This parameter can be one of the following values:
I2S_IT_TXE: Tx buffer empty interrupt enable
I2S_IT_RXNE: RX buffer not empty interrupt enable
I2S_IT_ERR: Error interrupt enable
- 返回值:
The – new state of IT (TRUE or FALSE).
Checks whether the specified I2S flag is set or not.
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
__FLAG__ – specifies the flag to check. This parameter can be one of the following values:
I2S_FLAG_RXNE: Receive buffer not empty flag
I2S_FLAG_TXE: Transmit buffer empty flag
I2S_FLAG_UDR: Underrun flag
I2S_FLAG_OVR: Overrun flag
I2S_FLAG_FRE: Frame error flag
I2S_FLAG_CHSIDE: Channel Side flag
I2S_FLAG_BSY: Busy flag
- 返回值:
The – new state of FLAG (TRUE or FALSE).
Clears the I2S OVR pending flag.
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
- 返回值:
None –
Clears the I2S UDR pending flag.
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
- 返回值:
None –
Set the I2S clock from crystal.
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
- 返回值:
None –
Set the I2S clock from pll.
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
- 返回值:
None –
Set the I2S SP clock divider.
- 参数:
__HANDLE__ – specifies the I2S Handle.
__DIV__ – clock divider.
- 返回值:
None –
enum HAL_I2S_StateTypeDef
HAL State structures definition.
enumerator HAL_I2S_STATE_RESET
I2S not yet initialized or disabled
enumerator HAL_I2S_STATE_READY
I2S initialized and ready for use
enumerator HAL_I2S_STATE_BUSY
I2S internal process is ongoing
enumerator HAL_I2S_STATE_BUSY_TX
Data Transmission process is ongoing
enumerator HAL_I2S_STATE_BUSY_RX
Data Reception process is ongoing
enumerator HAL_I2S_STATE_PAUSE
I2S pause state: used in case of DMA
enumerator HAL_I2S_STATE_ERROR
I2S error state
enumerator HAL_I2S_STATE_RESET
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Init(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Initializes the I2S according to the specified parameters in the I2S_InitTypeDef and create the associated handle.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_DeInit(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
DeInitializes the I2S peripheral.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
HAL – status
void HAL_I2S_MspInit(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Initializes the I2S pin setting.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
None –
void HAL_I2S_MspDeInit(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
deunitializes the I2S pin setting.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
None –
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Config_Transmit(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s, I2S_CFG_T *cfg)
Set I2S transmit configures.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
cfg – channel, track, volume and others parameters
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Config_Receive(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s, I2S_CFG_T *cfg)
Set I2S Receive configures.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
cfg – channel, track, volume and others parameters
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Transmit(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
Set I2S Transmit data with polling mode.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
pData – data buffer
Size – data length need to be transmit
Timeout – time out threshold if not finish, in ms
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Receive(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
Set I2S receive data with polling mode.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
pData – data buffer
Size – data length need to be transmit
Timeout – time out threshold if not finish, in ms
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Transmit_IT(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t Size)
Transmit an amount of data in non-blocking mode with Interrupt.
When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended is selected during the I2S configuration phase, the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length in the transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data frame is selected the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length.
The I2S is kept enabled at the end of transaction to avoid the clock de-synchronization between Master and Slave(example: audio streaming).
This function can use an Audio Frequency up to 48KHz when I2S Clock Source is 32MHz
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
pData – a 16-bit pointer to data buffer.
Size – number of data sample to be sent:
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Receive_IT(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t Size)
Receive an amount of data in non-blocking mode with Interrupt.
When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended is selected during the I2S configuration phase, the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length in the transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data frame is selected the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length.
The I2S is kept enabled at the end of transaction to avoid the clock de-synchronization between Master and Slave(example: audio streaming).
It is recommended to use DMA for the I2S receiver to avoid de-synchronisation between Master and Slave otherwise the I2S interrupt should be optimized.
This function can use an Audio Frequency up to 48KHz when I2S Clock Source is 32MHz
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
pData – a 16-bit pointer to the Receive data buffer.
Size – number of data sample to be sent:
- 返回值:
HAL – status
void HAL_I2S_IRQHandler(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
This function handles I2S interrupt request.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
None –
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Transmit_DMA(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t Size)
Set I2S Transmit data with DMA mode.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
pData – data buffer
Size – data length need to be transmit
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Receive_DMA(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t Size)
Set I2S Transmit data with DMA mode.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
pData – data buffer
Size – data length need to be transmit
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_DMAPause(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Pauses the audio stream playing from the Media.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_DMAResume(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Resumes the audio stream playing from the Media.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_DMAStop(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Stops the audio stream playing from the Media.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_TX_DMAPause(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Pauses the audio stream playing from the Media.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_TX_DMAResume(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Resumes the audio stream playing from the Media.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_TX_DMAStop(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Stops the audio stream playing from the Media.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_RX_DMAPause(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Pauses the audio stream recording.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_RX_DMAResume(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Resumes the audio stream recording.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
HAL – status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_RX_DMAStop(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Stops the audio stream recording.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
HAL – status
void HAL_I2S_TxHalfCpltCallback(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Tx Transfer Half completed callbacks.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
None –
void HAL_I2S_TxCpltCallback(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Tx Transfer completed callbacks.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
None –
void HAL_I2S_RxHalfCpltCallback(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Rx Transfer half completed callbacks.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
None –
void HAL_I2S_RxCpltCallback(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Rx Transfer completed callbacks.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
None –
void HAL_I2S_ErrorCallback(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
I2S error callbacks.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
None –
HAL_I2S_StateTypeDef HAL_I2S_GetState(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Return the I2S state.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
HAL – state
uint32_t HAL_I2S_GetError(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
Return the I2S error code.
- 参数:
hi2s – pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for I2S module
- 返回值:
I2S – Error Code
struct CLK_DIV_T
- #include <bf0_hal_i2s.h>
I2S bclk lrck divder table structure definition.
struct I2S_CFG_T
- #include <bf0_hal_i2s.h>
I2S bus configure structure definition.
Public Members
uint8_t bus_dw
I2S bus data width 8, 16, 24 32 …
uint8_t data_dw
output data width, only support 8 or 16
uint8_t slave_mode
0 master mode, 1 slave mode.
uint8_t track
1 mono, 0s stereo
uint8_t chnl_sel
0 noral, 5 left/write switch , 0xa left right average
uint8_t lrck_invert
for standard I2S, set lrck_pol to 0,for Left/Right Justified, set lrck_pol to 1
uint32_t sample_rate
Sample rate
uint32_t bclk
uint8_t vol
0 ~ 15, 0=+6db, 4=0db, 14=-15db, 15=mute
uint8_t balance_en
0 balance disable, 1 right channel adjust, 2 left channel adjust
uint8_t balance_vol
when balance_en=1, 1 ~ 15, 1=-1.5db, 2=-3db … 14=-21db, 15=mute
uint8_t extern_intf
0 use internal apb memory, 1 use external interface
uint8_t pcm_dw
For I2S rx/tx data width , related with peripheral
uint8_t clk_div_index
clock divder index(for txrx_clk_div), base on sample rate
uint8_t bus_dw
struct I2S_InitTypeDef
- #include <bf0_hal_i2s.h>
I2S Init structure definition.
struct I2S_HandleTypeDef
- #include <bf0_hal_i2s.h>
I2S handle Structure definition.
Public Members
I2S_TypeDef *Instance
I2S registers base address
I2S_InitTypeDef Init
I2S communication parameters
uint32_t *pTxBuffPtr
Pointer to I2S Tx transfer buffer
uint32_t TxXferSize
I2S Tx transfer size
uint32_t TxXferCount
I2S Tx transfer Counter
uint32_t *pRxBuffPtr
Pointer to I2S Rx transfer buffer
uint32_t RxXferSize
I2S Rx transfer size
uint32_t RxXferCount
I2S Rx transfer counter (This field is initialized at the same value as transfer size at the beginning of the transfer and decremented when a sample is received. NbSamplesReceived = RxBufferSize-RxBufferCount)
DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdmatx
I2S Tx DMA handle parameters
DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdmarx
I2S Rx DMA handle parameters
HAL_LockTypeDef Lock
I2S locking object
HAL_I2S_StateTypeDef State
I2S communication state
uint32_t ErrorCode
I2S Error code This parameter can be a value of I2S Error
I2S_TypeDef *Instance